UK 🇬🇧 (NCA) : two more convictions in £100 million ‘cash in suitcases’ conspiracy

Two men from London have become the fifteenth and sixteenth members of a £100m+ money laundering network to be convicted, following a major National Crime Agency investigation into cash smuggling from the UK to the UAE.

Guilty verdicts were returned yesterday (11 January) on Ali Al-Nawab, 40, from Golders Green, London, and Mehdi Amrollahbibiyouki, 41, from Finchley, London, following a three-week trial at Isleworth Crown Court.

They were part of a network which smuggled more than £104 million during 83 separate London to Dubai trips between November 2019 and October 2020.

The criminal conspiracy was overseen by ringleader Abdullah Alfalasi, 48, who was jailed for more than nine years in July 2022.


Pictured: Mehdi Amarollahibiyouki (left) and Ali Al-Nawab (right)

Adrian Searle, Director of the National Economic Crime Centre in the NCA, said: “The money carried in these suitcases was directly linked to the harm and violence associated with organised crime.

“The very purpose of organised crime is to make money. By going after it and those who launder it, we are targeting the heart of the criminal business model.

“Those involved will now rightly also realise the consequences for them personally – a criminal conviction.”

Evidence gathered from Alfalasi’s phone showed that Al-Nawab and Amrollahbibiyouki both worked as cash couriers.

The couriers, who were paid up to £5,000 for each trip and would be booked on business class flights due to the extra luggage allowance, communicated on a number of WhatsApp groups including one named ’Sunshine and lollipops’.

Amrollahbibiyouki, who was arrested at his home address in April last year, made three trips to Dubai in February and March 2020, checking in 12 suitcases containing £4.3 million. Evidence on his phones revealed that he had also been responsible for counting and packaging criminal cash totalling £11.1 million for eight trips made by couriers, including the ones he made himself.

Al-Nawab was arrested in May 2022 as he was leaving the UK to travel to Turkey. He made two journeys in March 2020, checking in nine suitcases containing £3.2 million.

The network collected cash from criminal groups around the UK, which was believed to be the profits of drug dealing, and took it to counting houses, usually rented apartments in Central London.

The money was then vacuum packed and separated into suitcases which would typically each contain around £400,000, weighing around 40 kilos. They were sprayed with coffee or air fresheners in an effort to prevent them being found by Border Force detection dogs.

NCA senior investigating officer Ian Truby said: “Al-Nawab and Amrollahbibiyouki were part of an industrial-scale money laundering operation that saw huge amounts of criminal cash smuggled out of the UK.

“Their convictions mark a further dismantlement of this prolific and extensive criminal network.

“Our investigation will not cease until all those involved are brought before the courts and made accountable for their crimes.”

Al-Nawab and Amrollahbibiyouki were convicted yesterday (11 January) and are due to be sentenced at the same court on 8 March.

Fourteen other couriers have been convicted previously.

The NCA investigation has been supported by Border Force and the UAE authorities. A number of British couriers are under investigation in the UAE and cannot leave until inquiries have been completed by UAE law enforcement.

12 January 2024



UK 🇬🇧 (NCA) : two men jailed after cocaine and cash seizure

Two cocaine dealers – one of whom also hid £100,000 in cash inside a flat – have been jailed for a total of almost eight years.

Officers from the Organised Crime Partnership – a joint National Crime Agency and Metropolitan Police Service unit – investigated Albanian nationals Orest Malushi, 44, from Barnet, and Olsian Vogli, 31, from Birmingham.

Malushi and Vogli
The pair were arrested beside Malushi’s car in Hendon, north London, in July last year by OCP officers who had them under surveillance.

Vogli had been seen entering and leaving a flat on Caversham Road that he used as a stash house shortly before the arrest.

OCP officers searched a black rucksack he was carrying, which contained half a kilo of cocaine.

They also found three mobile phones and a further two-and-a-half kilos of cocaine which had been hidden inside a specially adapted hide in the glovebox of Malushi’s car.

More than £100,000 in cash and a mobile phone with several SIM cards were found after the apartment was searched.

Malushi and Vogli pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with intent to supply during previous hearings at St Albans Crown Court, and were sentenced to two years and six months and five years and four months respectively at Harrow Crown Court (sitting at Willesden Magistrates’ Court) yesterday (9 January).

Cash seized in flat

Andrew Tickner, from the Organised Crime Partnership, said:

“The cocaine supplied by Olsian Vogli and Orest Malushi was clearly generating large profits for the organised crime group they belonged to, as shown by the amount of cash we found in the apartment.

“The hide in Malushi’s car was ultimately a futile attempt to conceal his criminality, but shows the time and attention that drug suppliers will put into their criminal profession.

“The class A drugs trade fuels gang violence and suffering in the UK, which is why the NCA and Met Police’s strong partnership is at the forefront of dismantling the organised criminal groups behind it.”

10 January 2024



ÉQUATEUR 🇪🇨 (Océan Pacifique) : 3.200 kilos de cocaïne saisis après l’interception de 8 embarcations au large de Manta

21 personnes ont été arrêtées alors qu’elles transportaient 80 ballots de drogue

Grâce au travail de renseignement effectué par la Police en coordination avec la Marine équatorienne, c’est une véritable flotte de trafiquants de drogue avec huit bateaux qui a été interceptée dans les eaux du Pacifique

Il s’agit d’une opération très inhabituelle

Bien équipées en moyen de communication et de navigation, ces personnes avaient l’intention de mettre la came dans d’autres nord des îles Galapagos, pour continuer vers l’Amérique centrale pour distribution ou réexpédition.

Le résultat



CANARIES 🇪🇸 (Sud de Gran Canaria) un Zodiac intercepté avec 900 kilos de coke

Une nouvelle opération de la Guardia Civil et la Policia Nacional a permis la saisie de 900 kilos de cocaïne autour des Îles Canaries. Trois Marocains sans papiers ont été arrêtés à bord de l’embarcation et un deuxième Zodiac a réussi à faire demi-tour pour échapper aux force de l’ordre.



CANADA 🇨🇦 : la décriminalisation de la drogue

La Coalition canadienne des politiques sur les drogues (CCPD) est un organisme de plaidoyer en matière de politiques. Elle se compose d’environ 50 organismes et de plus de 7 000 membres individuels qui s’efforcent de mettre fin aux préjudices de la prohibition des drogues. La CCPD fonctionne en tant que projet au sein de l’Université Simon Fraser, sous l’égide du Centre de recherche appliquée en santé mentale et en toxicomanie.

Le principe de la prohibition de la drogue avait pour objectif de réduire la consommation de drogues et les dommages associés. Au contraire, elle a entraîné une épidémie de décès par empoisonnement ou surdose et a créé un marché illégal et dangereux qui profite au crime organisé transnational de haut niveau.

Le concept de la prohibition a été conçu et appliqué au début des années 1900 et n’a guère changé depuis. Comme révélé dans le livre Busted : An Illustrated History of Drug Prohibition in Canada, par la Dre Susan Boyd, la prohibition est le fruit du racisme—des sentiments anti-asiatiques et anti-indigènes qui jugeaient supérieurs la culture, la mentalité et les philosophies chrétiennes européennes.

Toutefois, aujourd’hui, il y a de plus en plus de personnes qui réagissent à des politiques défaillantes qui ont tué plus de 23 000 Canadiens depuis 2016. Les politiciens, les médecins et les responsables de la santé publique de premier plan appellent le gouvernement fédéral à décriminaliser la drogue afin de sauver des vies et de protéger les communautés, et ce, après avoir compris que la prohibition a produit plus de dommages que de bien. Il est évident que le moment est venu de passer d’une politique de criminalisation à une approche centrée sur la santé et les droits de la personne.