CORRUPTION et BLANCHIMENT : rien n’est fait pour exterminer ces plaies de nos sociétés

Les paradis fiscaux continuent de prospérer grâce à des conseillers fiscaux de qualité, parfois des ministres et aussi des compagnies garantissant le secret des affaires.

Rien, j’écris bien rien, rien n’est fait pour supprimer ces forteresses bancaires qui permettent aux banques, aux corrompus politiques, parfois des ministres, aux hauts fonctionnaires, aux affairistes et aux narcotrafiquants de se moquer ouvertement des systèmes mis en place pour lutter contre le blanchiment et la corruption établie.

Mon expérience dans ce domaine est bien réelle et depuis plus de 30 ans, rien n’a évolué malgré une commission d’enquêtes, la ‘Montebourg-Peillon’. Le foutage de gueule continue.

Les FAIBLES avancées obtenues ne sont que des miettes données pour calmer le jeu. La poudre aux yeux qui laisse penser qu’on avance. Ce sujet qui , à ce jour, s’il n’est pas classé ‘secret défense ‘, présente toutes les caractéristiques de cette classification.

Que font les juges qui acceptent encore de se heurter aux pont-levis et autres douves peuplées de requins et autres crocodiles qui rendent ces coffres-forts inviolables? RIEN! Impuissants devant les nantis et autres privilégiés démontrant alors que la justice pour les marquis n’est pas la même que celle pour les manants.

Pourtant, les articles des différents codes du Dalloz ne différent pas.

A écouter:

MOLDAVIA 🇲🇩 : NCA uncovers corrupt officials who helped wanted criminals to circumvent international Red Notice system

Four people have been detained in Moldova in relation to a suspected corruption scheme to bribe officials in Moldova and elsewhere for wanted persons to avoid detection by Red Notices published by INTERPOL.

INTERPOL’s Red Notice system allows requests to go out to law enforcement worldwide to locate and arrest criminals wanted by member states.

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Search warrants were executed by the Anti Corruption Office of Moldova and French authorities, with support from the NCA, Eurojust, the FBI, and US Secret Service.

The NCA identified evidence of a linked criminal enterprise as part of a separate investigation into an international cyber crime network with ties to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Working with the USSS, FBI and Spanish Guardia Civil, the NCA uncovered the identities of key individuals in Moldova who received bribes from members of the network. High harm cyber criminals were paying them to find out the status of arrest warrants in to inform their travel plans.

Cyber Crime specialists from the NCA analysed a large number of digital devices and several terabytes of data as part of their investigation, and supplied key evidence which supported the day of action today in Moldova, where 33 search warrants were executed across the country.

Paul Foster, NCA Director of Threat Leadership, said: “These corrupt officials abused their positions to provide a service that enabled some of the world’s most serious criminals to attempt to operate, travel freely and evade detection by law enforcement.

“As part of an ongoing joint investigation, the NCA uncovered vital evidence which identified key individuals and high harm cyber criminals who were paying them to conduct searches for Red Notices.

“International collaboration is key to disrupting serious and organised crime groups who operate on a global scale. This activity, conducted jointly with the with Spanish, US, Moldovan, and French authorities, shows that together we are having an impact.

“We are committed to working with our partners to protect the UK from the effects of corruption, wherever it is taking place in the world.”

Press release issued in conjunction with the following announcements:

Moldovan Anti-Corruption Office:


4 June 2024.